Sat 11 Jan
New clients promo h/h $60 $60...Immediate Openings... till ? - 35
(Central 85716, Tucson)
(Your Place, Tucson, and Surrounding Area)
💞I'm the real hands of an angel💞 - 39
Introducing Autumn and Velvet to Sky Massage - 22
(Tucson, Rita Ranch - SE Tucson)
❤❤❤ JASMINE aka JAZZ ❤❤❤ last day here ❤ - 28
(Tucson, East Side/ Broadway & Camino Seco)
💜H a P p I n E s S 💓*i S a *💓H o T *💓 r E d H e A d...! !💜 - 34
(Tucson, Grant and alvernon or your place)
Happy Happy Happy up 24 hours 602-492-1501 - 29
(Tucson, tucson and sorrounding areas)
Have you been having a Hard Day? I will ease your tensions and stress - 54
(Tucson, your place)
***NEW PICTURES!!!*** S C A R L E T T -----520-201-4047 - 25
(Tucson, Stone and Fort Lowell)
Now offering a delux menu, call now....;) - 28
(Tucson, speedway /wilmot)
**OUTCALL SPEC. ALL NIGHT LONG **. 24/7 ** NEVER TOO LATE!!! Call Now Sarah 520-409-5220 - 31
(Tucson, IC/ Paloverde & I10 / OUTCALL SPECIALS)
Full Figured with an Open Mind! MID Week SPECIALS!!! PICS! - 43
(Central Tucson)
🍭💞🍭💞🍭💞🍭💞 Grand Opening 💞Excellent Asian massage! don't miss out! 💞🍭💞🍭💞 623-939...
(Glendale, Phoenix)
Great Legs and Tits!! Sexy, Thick and Mature!! All to MakeYou HAPPY!! NEW PICS!! - 43
(29th and Alvernon)
❤ ● G♡RGE♡US █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ◆ ♥ $100 SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY ♥ ◆ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ...
⭐️💖⭐️💖⭐️💖⭐️ I give "Touched by an Angel" a whole new meaning!! ⭐️💖⭐️💖⭐️💖...
(Desert Oasis I-10 & Elliot, East Valley, Phoenix)
📢Jazz NEW #480 231 8334☎️ Can Text on Old One, Call New One to Book 📞 - 30
(Tucson, East side Broadway Camino Seco)
Let me stimulate your mind body & soul.... - 24
(Tucson, Tucson East)
' HAPPY MASSAGE"" FOR MEN OVER 40!!! 520) 406-0222 central - 46
(Tucson, central tucson)
Happy Tantric Massage 24 hours 520-751-7644 - 27
(Tucson, everywhere)
Hi, boys, are you looking for a treat? - 22
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
Hot, black babe gives hot Rubdowns! :)... Outcalls only' - 24
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Glendale,arizona, Phoenix, Phx North, Tucson, West Valley)
Experienced Personal Massage..Appt.s Aval - 34
(22nd n swan, Tucson)
Full Figured with an Open Mind! - 43
(Central Tucson)
NEW PICKS!!! "SWEET MASSAGE"°`MEN OVER 40`°` silk ties avail (520) 358-1450 central!! - 46
(Tucson, central tucson)
New 👠🎀SoFT💄 CrEAM!🙌🏼⬇️ Warm👆🏼 Pretty MoUTh! ☎️ NOW - 23
(outcall only Tucson az, Tucson)
💋One & Only!➡️SCRUB&RUB;⬅️ by Scarlett😘 - 21
(Downtown, Tucson)
╠╣OT KING SPA ╠╣0T ♥ All NEW STAFF !! Come Relax & Best Massage ♥ ╠╣OT ╠╣OT ╠╣OT ╠╣OT (Mesa)...
(857 N. COUNTRY CLUB DR. MESA 85201, East Valley, Phoenix)
Double Trouble = Twice The Fun - 29
I'm not Kim K But My 🌹Curves Will Have You Mesmerized! Upscale. FL🗼 T Rates • Til 6pm• - 29
(101 & Cave Creek, Flagstaff, Phoenix, Prescott, Tucson, Yuma)
❤❤❤ Jasmine ❤❤❤ - 28
(Tucson, Eastside. Broadway & Camino Seco)
Gauranteed 100%!!!!! Satisfaction Sensual Massage!!! Special working 7am-3p - 25
(Tucson, Off I-10 west)
💋heavenly hands💋 - 39
✨ Hispanic Sensual Exotic Aroma In The Air🌌 - 24
(east, Tucson)
one touch is all i need! to send shivers down your back - 23
(east, Tucson)
❕Outcall BodyRubs by Scarlett💋 - 21
(Outcall, Tucson)
Outcall VIP specials 24/7* Pleasure,*Relaxation -* Sensual Bliss with Casandra 520*460*7799 - 35
(Tucson, OUTCALL all over Tucson/ in-call NW)
PaTriOtiC Italian GiRL ~text me~~~~ s ;) - 30
(Tucson Girl)
Freak in the dark - 28
(Tucson, Tucson az)
◆♥❤☆❤♥◆ M A G I C A L T O U C H ◆♥❤☆❤♥ S E X Y ◆◆♥❤☆❤♥◆ $60 SPECIAL ◆♥❤...
Massage For Recovery has an Attractive and Classy hottie - 38
❤️❤️❤️ NEW 🍒 GIRLS 🍒 WAITING 🍒 for 🍒 you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ - 28
(Mesa, Phoenix)
New Twist~ Come get a hot sensual massage while boyfriend smiles~ yes! Toooo Hot To post. - 22
NFL SUNDAY SPECIALS!!! ~~*~~ SeXy RedheaD Sunday ONLY - 20
(Tucson, EAST SIDE - Broadway/Camino Seco)
Nude Rubdown ✭ MUTUAL TOUCH ✭ Body 2 Body ✭ PROSTATE RUB ✭ Fun {{ INCALL SPECIAL 70HH 100HR }} - 28
💆🙌 💁 Hands That Are SimpLy Tø DiE FøR 🙌🙋 - 28
(Private & Discreet IC@ES Gated, Tucson)
" HAPPY MASSAGE" DAY!! (men over 30) silk ties avail. (520) 358-1450 central!!! - 46
(Tucson, central tucson)
here for one night*** Beautiful Destiny *** - 21
(INA & I10)
hot 👀👀 latina - 25
😙Im doing 1/2 PRICE WED APTS!!! 😙~IMMED APTS!! ~ Central ( 520) 289- 5207 - 47
(central tucson, Tucson)
💋Incall RUBS & SCRUBS with Scarlett❗️ - 21
(Downtown, Tucson)
❌⭕❌⭕ ~~~~~JAZZ~~~~~ ❌⭕❌⭕ - 29
(Tucson, Broadway / Camino Seco)
Jenny back for short period of time outcall only - 26
(Tucson, Tucson area)
KIMBER s Bodyrubs here visiting tuscan!!! Call me now!!! 80 Special 80 - 25
(Tucson, i.c. Broadway /Swam)
🎀KRISTA🎀 I'm back in AR🌵Z🌞A! - 32
(Phoenix, ☆ I come to you ☆ outcall ☆)
Lay back, relax & let my hands.... - 28
(Downtown, Tucson)
💙Mutual👈 Sensual👈 Relaxation👈 w/Carmen🌹 New Location👈💙 💜Let's Touch💜 - 23
(East Tucson, Tucson)
.~ NaUgHtY ☑ SeXy ☑ NiCe ☑ SaTiSfAcTiOn GUARANTEED ☑ ~
NEW AIRPORT LOCATION! Tucson's beautiful girls.... Everyday 9am-10pm.... Incall only - 22
(Tucson, Best in town)
NEW Sensual Studio for Melting All over WARM OIL Massage xoxo Text me for further info - 30
NEW YOGA Instructors in TOWN!!! - 23
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, Outcall)
Nude Body Rub - 22
⬛❎❎❎❎❎❎❎⬛▬ORIENT MASSAGE ▬⬛❎❎❎❎❎⬛▬▬ BEST LINEUP ▬▬ ⬛❎❎❎❎❎⬛5 GI...
(Phoenix, 💋▬202 HWY & Scottsdale RD, IN TEMPE▬💋)
Outcall appt. gets $30 off Sensual Body2Body RubDown CALL ME NOW SARAH 520-981-3710 - 31
Fabulous Fall Fun New specials everyday;) - 28
(Tucson, speedway /wilmot)
Lets have a fun filled time for new & repeat friends ;)
(Miracle Mile at I-10 on Romero Rd)
Magic Touches - 27
MATURE LADY.. HANDS to Die for..full body massage!! KRISSY - 45
(Tucson, -Tucson-Sierra Vista)
❤ ∞IC∞OC∞ B E T T E R ❥ THAN ❥ YOUR ❥ G i R L F R i E N D ∞$A๓๓Ï㉫∞∞299635 ❤ ∞812-3036...
(Arizona, Sierra Vista)
💚💛💜 let a pretty women in a dress stroke and massage you !! - 38
(Ticson, Tucson)
Full Body oil Massage by a Local Relaxation Artist ~ OUTCALL Only! - 45
Gauranteed 100%!!!!! Satisfaction Sensual Massage!!! Special working till 7am- 11am - 25
(Tucson, Off I-10 west)
Grand Opening Asian Massage Parlors - 22
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, OutCall)
Great Legs and Tits! Submissive, Sexy, Mature and CURVY!! All to MakeYou HAPPY Today!! - 43
(29th and Alvernon)
Heavenly touch ❀ LATINA HOTTIE 80 - 21
(Tucson, west)
Hot Blonde Sexy Sweet Little Unforgetable Thing Just For You - 43
(Tucson, I-10 AND INA * OR YOUR PLACE)