Sat 04 Jan
Visiting Now 🚫UTired of FAKES & Rude Ugly girls🚫💚NoBait&Switch;💚 💋 YoUr Worth it - 26
(EAST, ORO VALLEY, Marana, JUST ASK, Tucson)
💋💋 SexXY SuMMeR SpeCIaLs💋💋 TeXXT NoW for TucSoNz #1 Petite PArtY GirL‼️💋💋💋💋 - 24
(northwest foothills / oro valley, Tucson)
@True honest gal looking to make your day the best day ever@ - 48
(Tucson, Oro valley/Catalina/North)
Fri 03 Jan
Sexy Colombian Elizabeth...New in Town-Limited time only- Well Reviewed- - 27
(Sierra Vista, Tucson, Oro Valley)
DYNAMIC DUO ╪╪ NAUGHTY ╪╪ Y O U N G ╪╪ R E A D Y ♥ F OR ♡ F U N ★╪╪ ╪╪ 💎2 GIRL SpeCiAL💎 - 21
(Central Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley, Tucson)
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Upscale Exotic mixed cute booty addiction❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 26
(oro valley east side west all tucson, Tucson)
Thu 02 Jan
S🌟E🌟X🌟Y 🌟 & ❤️NexT level❤️FUN❤️ SwEet Hot 💘Deja - 24
(East Valley, oro valley east/west/ north side, Phoenix)