Mon 27 Jan
Sexy, Mature, Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! NEW PICS!! - 43
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
**£*£- _- _- SeXy fReAKy BlonDe _- _- _ (SunDay SPeCial$) _- _- _- () {{ NeW In TowN}*£*£*£* - 22
(Tucson, East Tucson)
~~~~~~~~~ Sexy Mature Vixen For Discerning Gentlemen ~~~~~~~~ - 50
(Tucson, Your home, You room, Your office)
SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
*ღ ♥ *ღ* SoMeThInG U WaNT ♥ 1 Of A KinD *ღ* Specials All NiGhT!! - 20
(I-10 - InnCall&OutCall; (Very Dependable))
((( • SeXy SwEet• 🌟💋• BiG BooTy KNOCKOUT •🌟💋• a Must Have • ))) - 29
(Out calls valley wide, Phoenix, Phx North)
___ °°° SpeCiALs __ °°° ___ SpECiaLs °°° sPeciAlS }} {{ °°° {{ }} - - 21
(Tucson, right off I10)
SEXy PLuS SiZED LaTiNa Pla¥MaTe (💕) Looks Good ⭐️FEELS✨EVEN💦 BETTER 🚧 CAUTION🚧 SLiPpeRy WheN💦💧💦 - 21
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Phoenix, Tucson, {Coolidge -San Tan Valley- Casa Grande })
((Real Pics)) G -- O --R -- G -- E -- O -- U -- S » -(¯`v´¯) - » L-- A--T-- I-- N -- A» -(¯`v´¯) - 19
(Tucson, starrpass & freeway)
✰🔥💄💟 S E X Y 💎🌸 🔝N0TCH 👑《 🍭P E T I T E 👙》》❥🍦 〓 [SwEET🍓 ] 〓 [[TiGHT👅]] 〓 [JUiCy💦🍑]] - - - 21
(East Tucson, Tucson)
PlEasE Tell Ur P@ntS its NOT PoliTe 2 P0inT ☆☛ $40.oO ☚☆ - 34
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe IC =Scottsdale Rd & 202=)
❤___★ (( ✰ Pretty face✰ )) (( ✰ Gorgeous Body )) (( ✰ Available Now ✰ )) ★__ - 24
(Tucson, INcall ONLY)
☆ SeXy ☆ As ☆ CaN ☆ Be ☆ [*All AMERiCAN BEAUTY*] JuSt ViSiTinG WKND ONLY! = ) - 22
(Tucson, Freeway and Ina Rd In & Outcalls Avail)
**SaShA ReDD not here for long , No Rush Service 24 hrs YoU wIlL lOvE mE ** - 22
(Tucson, south side of tucson incall and out call)
💋❤️💋 S - E - X - Y ❤️❤️❤️❤️ L - A - T - I - N - A ❤️❤️🌹🌹❤️❤️ G - O - D - D - E - S - S ❤️❤️❤️❤️ IN & OUTCALLS - 25
💎🏪🍯💯% REAL 32TRiPl3Ds❕☑ 🚫STOP WASTiNG Y0UR TiME⌚💸💯%🔝$H3LF BUSTY Bl0nDe💎 💣B0MBSH3LL💣😽💎 - 23
(Tucson, 💎TUCS0N🏪💎💸0UT💸CALLS💸0NLY!🏪💎💸)
*********** PLAYFUL CURVY BLONDE ********** MONDAY SPECIALS ********** - 24
(Tucson, Central Tucson Area/Can Travel)
§§§¢¢¢ REaDY NoW §§§¢¢¢PETtITE PLaYFULL CoLLEGE GiRL §§§¢¢¢ REaDY NoW - 19
(Tucson, Incall Scottsdale/Outcall)
Petite sexxi 💖💓💓 with curvatious hips and tight as vise grip 💋💋💋 please call quick! - 23
(Tucson, West Valley "Outcall" everywhere)
♥ ———*o*—— • WELL Reviewed •——*o*———— * * ——— LEAVING @ NOON — *o*——— ♥ - 25
(Tucson, incall or outcall)
Premier Girl*Not Flaky* No Upsell!* Smokin Hot Blonde *90$ Avail ALL Night* Heather*Well Reviewed - 26
(Tucson, Your Place Or Mine Downtown)
***(OoOh)______ (YeSSSs ssSss sSS)J_U_S_T= __ _ =W_H_A_T= __ _ =Y_O_U= __ _ =W_A_...N_T= *** - 21
(O/C only)
🐰🐰🐰 Our Asian bunnies have something special for you 💝💝💝 Look at today's Thai girls 🔵🔵🔵 - 23
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe / Scottsdale)