Thu 02 Jan
LeaviNg SooN... CataliNa Marie Exotic Features & E-rotic ServiceS LateNight 100 SpecialS - 19
(Tucson, Tuscon)
you ready for some steamy fun with the exotic pettite cuban godess!hot and ready ask bout my special - 21
(Tucson, central)
•*'"* ೋ ☆ WARNING ☆ ೋ •*'"* ೋ ☆ VERY ☆ ೋೋSEXY ೋ•*'"*• ADDICTIVE •*'"* ೋ ☆ BLONDE ☆ ೋ ೋ•*'"*• - 25
(Tucson, speedway and the I10)
💎💎💎 Xmas specials! Super Seductive €🌟SiMPLy AMAZiNG* 🌟)1OO% REAL!✨HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe - 25
(Tucson, oracle and orange grove orth tucson)
Warm, & Ready To Play With U
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
Want Erotic , you got it ! 👅💦💦 NO rushed time , all 4 you 💋😏 ** AVAILABLE NOW ** - 22
(Incalls near airport, Tucson)
@@@@@@__ UNBELIEVABLY ___SEXY!!!___ Super__ SLiPPeRY__ NURU__With _FiERY__ BOMBSHELL__ $100___@@@@ - 20
Want to have fun @nd relax with beautiful petite godess!!@sk @bout specials. - 22
(Tucson, Central tucson)
up late no games no drama~~ I Don't Claim Perfection But I Do Promise To Give It My All ~~ - 30
(Tucson, 22nd /freeway)
Upscale and Sexy Blonde 💖 38DDD Busty 💖 TRUE BLONDE BOMBSHELL💣💣💣 💖L✪ ✪K *•.❤*💜Private Residence - 28
█ ◤◢◤◢◤✦◢◤◢◤◢ █—— ★Ultimate ★EROTIC ★ExPERiENCe ★BIG ★BOOTY ★Thick ★ Morning Special★——█ ◤◢◤◢◤✦◢◤◢◤◢ - 20
(Tucson, In and out)
WiLd _____ _____ ______ _____ ( ( ( A S I A N ) ) ) ______ _____ ExOtIc ____ _____ SeNsUaL - 23
💋ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩ 🌟 €BONy queen 💎👑 8O$qk/120$hh $PE₡łẠŁ$💚ŦØP ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦Ŧ€d - 21
(Tucson, Tucson &. Surroundings)
👑 UPSCALE 💋 Breath taking 😍 HEART RACING💕 don't resist the temptation 🍭🍒 - 23
(Airport area, Tucson)
❤💖💖What's up guys Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity with the en famous LayLani❤💖💖 - 25
(Congress and freeway, Tucson)
********WoW!!! {80$ or100$ Specials} Sexy,Sweet And Busty ( . Y . ) 602 446 -2530 private home - 40
♡♡☆☆ What are You waiting for baby, come join me in some exotic adult fun♡☆♡*°°**Av@!lAbLe Now**°° - 25
(Tucson, stone ave)
-------- W A R N I N G ----T H I S --- G I R L --- I S --- A M A Z I N I N G --------- - 20
Transexual josilyn New in town $25HH spcl - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, Flagstaff, Incall /out, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
Visiting°×°x°× KnOcK °*ஐ*° OuT °*ஐ*° EbOnY °*ஐ*° BaRbIe °×°x°× Visiting - 20
(My place or Yours(Broadway & wilmot))
👀VIDEO BREATHTAKING Cateyes the OneYou NEED 5 🌟 starsBEST Mouth in town feelit thru youre bones - 36
(Tucson, West Valencia)
❤👑 Uρscαℓε ♥️ U*N*R*U*S*H*E*D ♥️ ExOTiC BEAUTY👑❤★ *♚* SwE€T & R€ad¥ *♚* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *♚* - 20
(East Valley, Outcall, Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert, Phoenix)
Tucson come see me downtown very amazing white $Blonde$ lets play 6026640860 - 26
(Tucson, Downtown -central - speedway)
The Island Gem -- Two days only -- Friday, the 8th and Tuesday, the 12th -- I am in town - 30
(( ♥ SEXY ♥ )) (( ♥ 4"10, 105 lbs ♥ )) :::: (( ♥ ♥ PERFECT PIECE OF A**♥ ♥ )) - 20
(Tucson, Tucson central (Incalls and Outcalls))
-*- [ ___ *SeXy* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *SaSsY* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *AlWaYs* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *ClAsSy* ___ ] - 19
Savaj!❗️ Persian/Latina Playboy Quality Companion 📚 your Lingerie Model ✅ Reviewed & Trusted - 26
(Tucson, Central INCALL /outcall Tucson)
—💋♡ —— Se * Xx * Y ——👄 —— * PETITE* —— 💋 ——👄—— SwEEt * hEaRt —— ♡💋—— - - 20
(Tucson, Tucson Outcall)
*Real Rocky Mountain*Snow White Dream Come True! - 23
(Tucson, Tuscon- foothills upscale incall/outcall)
PRki M ❂ UTHFULS ° ♛° xXxotiC * BaRbi ° ♛ ° SliM B ❂ dY - 21
((**Central Location** ღ*100% me)
PReACHeRS ____ DAUGHTeR ____ ReADY ____ ToO ____ GeT ____ NaaUGHTY ;] (( SPECIALS RATES )) - 20
------ SeXy & SwEeT ------ 100$ S -- P -- E -- C -- I -- A -- L -- S! - 28
(Tucson, Eastside/Incall)
🌟👑💜R.E.A.D.Y🌟👑💜🌟👑💜TO C.A.R.E.S.S🌟👑💜🌟👑💜EVERY INCH 🌟👑💜🌟👑💜OF🌟👑💜🌟👑💜Y.O.U. - - 18
(Tucson, Tucson foothills Catalina incalls)
*£ *£* *£*£!____ SExy ____ SultRy ___ EXotiC ____ GODdesS ___ @ Ur sErviCe!!-*£ *£*£ *£*£ - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, Tolleson/Phoenix)
Satifaction! come have a taste.... - 24
(Flagstaff, IN/OUT, Phoenix, Sierra Vista, Tucson, West Valley, Yuma)
-:¦:-•* SÕ MÅNY• °o♥o°• ChÕIc€S BUT• °o♥o°• NÕN€ BETTER Than °o♥o°• AshanTi!!!*•-:¦: (Friday$peAil) - 22
~~~ Private sexy mom ~ For Discerning Gentlemen ~~~ - 50
(Tucson, Your Home, Your Office or Your Hotel)