Sat 04 Jan
You work hard and are deserving of a treat 💋 - 26
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, every where)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ # 1 Well reviewed and REAL Exotic Playmate ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ - 24
(Tucson, Airport)
$120 NUDE happy rub flat rate! Sexy Dirty blonde gives tasty pleasures Slip n slide nuru slides - 26
(i17freeway/cactus ave discreet, Phoenix, Phx North)
100% ~~~ •♥• ~~~ ♚ ~~~ •♥• { SUNGODDESS } •♥• ~~~ ♚ ~~~ •♥• ~~~ 100% - 30
(Tucson, Incall Only/ Grant & Country Club)
Laurel. 💯Safe.Private Res.💋2 GIRL SHOW. 💋Friend Jasmine in from NY. 💋 - 25
(N LaCholla Blvd, Tucson)
1OO*° -:¦:- [P][E][T][ I ][T][E] *=*(_** G:-:F:-:E **_)*=* [S] [P][I ][N][N][E] [R] -:¦:- °1OO - 23
(**MidTown incall** ...OutCaLLs!!)
💜H a P p I n E s S💓i S a🔥 H 🔴 T 💥🔥RED HEAD!🔥💥NeW Pix❕INcaLL& Out!👄 520-276-8181 !🔥💥😀💜 - 35
(North or your place, Tucson)
100 hhr SPECIAL |UPscale INcall Midtown East 💋💋💋✨✨✨✨Gorgeous YOUNG Ebony College 💋 HOTTIE - 22
(Tucson, Tucson & Surrounding Areas)
$100 SPECIAL In&Out; Calls! Foxy Roxy! 22yearold White girl with a ROCKIN BODY! - 22
(Tucson, Central Tucson)
🔲❤️❤️❤️❤️❤🔲 10 SUPER SEXY 🔲❤️❤️❤️❤️❤🔲 BLK ASIAN GIRL 🔲❤️❤️❤️❤️❤🔲 BLK ✨ASIAN🔲❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 23
(I10, Tucson)
WED APTS!!!! ~ Name your own price~ SEXY Blonde!!! Safe Enviro( 520) 289- 5207 - 47
(central tucson, Tucson)
🔵💟🍡 T H E 🍡💟🔵 🔵💟🍡 U L T I M A T E 🍡💟🔵 P A R T Y 🔵💟🍡 F A V O R 🍡💟🔵 - NEW - 24
(Tucson, oc 24hrs just visiting)
**_ I dont Claim Perfection but I do Promise to Give it My ALL _ **22nd/Craycroft - 30
(Tucson, craycroft/22nd)
Early Bird Special !! Here To Satisfy Your EVERY Need.. Im All You Need !! Dont Miss Out, Call Now ! - 22
(Tucson, Outcall)
Exotic Snowbunny visiting town for the night!! Blonde Barbie Ready To Play 👑👑👅👅😘😘 - 23
(Tucson, Tucson Incalls)
Fun facts about escorts Call and findout 520-389-6240 credit cards good yo hablo espanol - 27
(Tucson, tucson in and out)
************* CLASSY BLONDE WITH ALL THE RIGHT CURVES ************* - 24
(Tucson, Central Tucson/Can Travel/Up Late)
SeXy ExOtic DoLL💎 Limited Edition 💎An UpsCale GentleMen's Dream 💎Beautiful BombSheLL PlaYmate - 25 - 25
(Tucson, speedway and campbell)
◆S♦E♦X◆Y♦♦◆S T U N N I N G◆♦♦♦♦◆◆♦♦◆ C♦A♦R◆M♦E♦L ◆♦◆♦♦◆♦♦◆ P◆L♦A♦Y◆M♦A ♦T♦E♦ - 24
Warm Tantric massage on cool autumn evening all night long 480-243-7676 - 28
(Tucson, all over the place)
AvaIlAblE nOw..GorGeOuS dOmInIcAn PrInCeSs AvAilaBlE nOw...ClICk NoW..CAlL nOw...TeXt NoW.. - 25
(Tucson, Northside tucson)
( AvA¡LaBL€ NOW) ★Blonde BuBBle BOOty ExOtiC BeAuTY ★ 1OO SpeCial★ - - 22
(Tucson, Tucson incalls/outcalls I-10 Frwy)
_______ _________ ___ HOT Busty ASIAN AMERICA'S SWEETHEART _________ _________ ______ - 21
(Tucson, Incalls and outcalls * Lets have fun*)
°•★©•° MoDeL_ NiKkI_ NiCe°•★©•° LaSt NiGhT N ToWn°o©•° - 23
Your Going To Love This Special I'm Having So Call " 937-527-0502 " To Treat Your Self" - 22
(tucson and surrounding areas)
»--(¯`v´¯)-» C E R T i Fi E D * to * S A T i S F Y »--(¯`v´¯)-» CURVY & PLAYFUL »--( - 20
(Tucson, Tucson / i -10 INCALL/OUTCALL HURRY :))