Mon 27 Jan
♥♥sexy exotic Hawaii and black waiting for you what are you waiting for ♥♥♥ new PICS ;-);-);-) - 26
(Tucson, Starr pass and l-10)
Sexy Filipina - 32
(Central/South Phoenix, Chandler i10, East Valley, Phoenix, Phx North, Tucson, West Valley)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 21
((Real Pics)) G -- O --R -- G -- E -- O -- U -- S » -(¯`v´¯) - » L-- A--T-- I-- N -- A» -(¯`v´¯) - 19
(Tucson, starrpass & freeway)
SeXXy* eXotic** dancer ... ready to play //// very HOTT (specials) - 24
(Your Place or Mine - broadway/swan)
---(¯`´¯)---» *°S W E E T *° E X o T i C °*T R e a T» 100% me (¯`´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw!!!! - 21
(EAST TUCSON/incalls/outcalls!!)
S -W*E *E* T ** S -E*D *U*C *T*I *V *E ** S-U *L *T *R *Y ** $100 ** S- P* E* C* I* A* L* S - 20
(Tucson, Incall ONLY *Avail. Till 5p.m*22/FREEWAY)
💋 Puerto Rican💣Bombshell💯 RealPix🍒💃Hot🔥Sexy💎✨ - 24
(Prescott, Tucson, Tuscon and surrounding areas/Prescott)
;» pretty & petite & Platinum Blonde PlAyMaTe upscale incall & outcalls 2 u - 18
(Tucson, east tucson incalls & outcalls)
**PETITE SPINNER!! ~^ ~This~^~ NymPHO ~^~ WiLL~^~ Have~^~ Your~^~ Heart ~^~ Racing ~^~4 ~^~ More~ - 22
(Your Place or Mine?)
*£ *£* *£*£!____ SExy ____ SultRy ___ EXotiC ____ GODdesS ___ @ Ur sErviCe!!-*£ *£*£ *£*£ - 22
(Central/South Phoenix, Tolleson/Phoenix)
💋Petite💋 Beautiful💋 Exotic💋💋 Ready Now👉 - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, In/Out Calls 24/7, Phoenix, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
☆ SeXy ☆ As ☆ CaN ☆ Be ☆ [*All AMERiCAN BEAUTY*] JuSt ViSiTinG WKND ONLY! = ) - 22
(Tucson, Freeway and Ina Rd In & Outcalls Avail)
S . P . E . C . I . A . L . S! ... Smoking H o T body! .... 100% the real deal! - 31
(Tucson, incall only/ east)
**SaShA ReDD not here for long , No Rush Service 24 hrs YoU wIlL lOvE mE ** - 22
(Tucson, south side of tucson incall and out call)
★★ S e X Y ★★★• —★ ★ U p S C A L E •★•★★I N D e P E N d E N T ★★★ VeGAS HOtTIE ★★ #1 ReQuEsTeD - 23
Satifaction! come have a taste.... - 24
(Flagstaff, IN/OUT, Phoenix, Sierra Vista, Tucson, West Valley, Yuma)
【Perfect Booty】 ✓【Killer Body】 ✓ 【100% REAL piX] ✓ 【HIGHLY SKILLED】 ✓【Available NoW】 - 20
(Tucson, Mine or yours)
💯%REAL MAMACITA.CATEYES.👸Dont need to say Highly Reviewed when you and I know Im�the BEST - 36
(Tucson, West Valencia)
☆◾◾☆◾◾☆◾◾☆◾◾ PAYTON GOOD available till 9/10 ◾◾☆◾◾☆◾◾☆◾◾☆ - 30
(Near Davis Monthan●Tucson●PRIVATE●INCAL, Tucson)
$pecials With The Great💎 Diamond 💎. Great Taste 🍑 Great Shape 🍒💦🍒 & Great ⏳ - 23