Sat 11 Jan
Beautiful Britney 👯Young &Gorgeous;! 💝 Visiting Tempe 😘 Incalls 😍 Ready Now 🌟 - 21
(Phoenix, Baseline & I10 Tempe)
Want a Shemale Top? Let Me Be Your First!!!
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
I like a man in black dress socks 💋 💋
(everywhere, Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ ˙·٠•●❤●❤ ❤●•٠·˙Alaskan Beauty * ღ Lebanese (¯`v´¯) ❤●•٠·˙ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ - 34
(Country club & 60 freeway, East Valley, Phoenix)
★*— U n F o R G e T t A b L E *— ★—*—H o T T i e —WiLd FuN 24*7 uP all NIgHT! - 23
(Tucson, I10 congress ic/oc)
»--(¯`v´¯)-» C E R T i Fi E D * to * S A T i S F Y »--(¯`v´¯)-» CURVY & PLAYFUL »--( REVIEWED - 20
(Tucson, Tucson, EAST)
TuCSoN's #1 pRoViDeR ❤ ...iM ReaL & HiGhLy ReVieWeD ❤ - 30
(Tucson, INS : Northwest + Oro Valley + Marana)
U will love my 24 hour tantric massage (credit cards for me r good too) 480-243-7676 - 28
(Tucson, 480-243-7676)
💋ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩ 🌟 €BONy queen 💎👑 8O$qk/120$hh $PE₡łẠŁ$💚ŦØP ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦Ŧ€d - 21
(Tucson, Tucson &. Surroundings)
★★★★★•:*:• *VIP SeRvIcE •:*:• BeAuTiFuL •:*:• ExOTiC LATiNa•:*:• 5 STaR SeRvIce•*•★★★★★ - 23
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(Flagstaff, In town, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
sexy young hottie amazing body and face 💰💰amazing late night specials 100hr 150hr💰💰520-230-0303 - 25
(Tucson, tucson outcalls only)
▪New PICS▪ Make your day start or end with me catering to your every want and need. - 28
(Fairview and Grant, Tucson, Tucson)
M@kin N0ise n English & Spanish! Exotic Latina curves to kill - 22
(downtown incall/ OUTCALL AVAIL too!)
NBA PlaYeRs arent the only ALL-STARS!.. U N B E L I E V A B L E BODY! Skills 2 Match.. UPSCALE! - 22
(Tucson, ♥♥♥ + Upscale Incalls + Last Day + ♥♥♥)
* . NEW :*. FANTASY :*. GIRL :*.LETS PLAY :* »-♥- » IM READY »-♥-» - 18
(Tucson, your place or mine)
NeW iN tOwN *** wITH mAgIC tRIckS tHat will AmAzE YoU*** 30 MIN 100 SpeCiaL - 24
(Tucson, Anywhere u want ME near I10 speedway)
New Pictures!!! YoU wanT iT ? i GOt iT!!! - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, East Valley, incall outcall, Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma)
New girl In town don't miss out on many of my talents be the first to find out incalls and outcalls - 22
(Arizona, Tucson)
NeW Pics _ @@@@@@@ Check __ Out ___ My ______Great Reviews! _____ YOU Deserve (( ME )) __ Leah James - 23
(North Incall / Outcall)
—[[ NeW SexXy HoTTie ]] —— ♥ —— [[ PETiTE CuTiE ]] —— ♥ —— [[ VERY SWEET ]] —— - - - - - - 21
MOSTWANTEDUNSTOPPABLE CATEYES 👀R you ready to slide deep deep between my legs in thistightight p... - 36
(Tucson, West Valencia)
NEW GIRL-2 GIRL-special.starting @ 40, INCALL. 520'908"1289. knky & exciting, - 23
(Tucson, park/Benson highway-near western min)
•💋💄 New iN town 💋💋 GoRgeoUs GIRLS 💋💋 available NOW!!! Outcall specials ⚫🔴💄💋 - 21
(Tucson, everywhere)
____ I dont Claim Perfection but I do Promise to Give it My ALL _____ 5208788267 - 30
(Tucson, freeway & star pass/ 22nd)
Hello Gents!! My last two weeks accepting new clients -- Please check my schedule - 29
(Nicki St Philips)
(HOT SPECIALS)... available allnite. Gorgeous jazmin... taste my cookies - 19
(Tucson speedway & wilmot)
**Happy MONDAY !!.. Why not celebrate with a PERFECT 10 !!! .. $100 INCALL .. NORTH SCOTTSDALE ** - 29
.ღ. HiGHLY SkiLLEd ☆ ABSOLUTELY Gorgeous ✰💋 Discounts You Won't Believe - 21
(Tucson, TucsonIn&&OutCall;)
✨ 🍭🍭 Extremely 💕⭐ Addictive ⭐💋 💗 Plαγ Mαte ✨💎Petite Party Girl✨ ✌N. Ø.T✌ Like The REST 🎉 - 25 - 25
(Tucson, Tucson Pima County)
💖💘❀💕 💗§eXy‼️ Êxøtįč ρℓαγmåtε💖 💓💍• ☜ Caℓℓ Mє! 💘💕💘💕 thè gïrl you NEED to See!💕💓❀💞💖 - 20
(Phx North, 27th ave & Bethanyhome rd)
💖HH Specials💖 Beautiful ☆°•JuIcY L!P$ 👅My Sk!LLs Will 💋MaKe U LoSe Ur miNd°•💖💖StArR 5202789641 - 29
💋💜 ❥ 💗 ❤️ G▒O▒R▒G▒E▒O▒U▒S »&-💕SoO-» N▒A▒S▒T▒Y 💖💖💖 MixEd EbonY »-💕-» G▒I▒R▒L▒ 100$💋💋💜💗 - 22
(Tucson, outcalls Only)
Beautiful thick girl, if you like ass, I'm your girl!! 50 specials until 6pm - 30
(Grant and i10/ gem show area, Tucson)
💋Brεa†h†aK¡ηG εXo†¡c Blonde🔥V¡xεη °★° ️ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 💜👑 lᏋᎿ mᏋ ᎦᏂᏫᏊ ᎩᏫᏌ Ꭿ ᎶᏫᏫᎴ TIMΣ ️ⓐⓥⓐⓘⓛⓐⓑⓛⓔ ⓝⓞⓦ 💋 - 24
(Tucson, Tucson in surrouding areas out)
B E S T * C H O i C E [ UnRushed ] EXOTIC [ fun ]100% Real. Incalls Only! - 20
(Tucson, Broadway & Wilmot)
Any squirrels 🐿 up lookin 2 bus 👅👊🏾🍆💦a N🌰T 😛 Come out and PLAY 💟Your Freaky Fanstsy 💟Espanol - 20
(Tucson, Upscale Location)
°•°• BiG BoOty ♥°•°•♥((LuV€rS)) L (o) (o) k === ♥AmAzInG_★_ CurVes ~~~ @LL Ov£r - 23
(Tucson, I-10 & speedway)
AWAKE NOW~ Beautiful White Skin!!~ youngVIXEN!~ TOOHornyForMyOwnGood!!~ 18(outcalls) - 18
(Speedway/Kolb (Outcalls Only), Tucson)
Blonde Beauty Wit Da Phat BOOTY!! FReAkY&FuN; bUt cLAs$Y sTiLL! READY NOW! ALL NEW PIX!! - 28
(Tucson, Downtown)
*° AvAiL aBlE °**° RiGhT °**° NoW ......°*((( CLiCk Me !))) - 18
(Tucson, East Tucson Incall)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off! - 19
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, 1)
Back IN TOWN * `'.¸.*¨*. _ A M A Z I N G `'.¸ B O O T Y .*¨*.¸.'´ * NEW pics - 22
( >EAST ♥ TuCSon << )
AVAIL NOW! HoT FRI SPeCiALS,Sexy MiXeD FreaK With The JuiCY BooTY!Lets Hav a Nasty GooD TimE - 23
(Tucson, north)
*¨¨*·-:¦:-·* __B__R __ E__A__T__H __T__A__ K__ I__N__G__ *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* - 22
(Tucson, Incall // Outcall 24/7)