Mon 06 Jan
Specials Running Till Check Out So Dont Miss Out!!! Kelly Treats The Ebony Freak. LAST DAY IN TOWN - 22
(Tucson, I-10 and Ina)
ღ * --- * ღ _ SUPER Sweet & Sexy BLONDE _ ღ * --- * ღ Well Reviewed.
(InCall I-10 & Irvington / OutCall)
Ever Wonder if that Totally Hot Babe is a Shemale? >> - 19
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma)
★ ¸.'´¯) _Seduction with a stranger... _ (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸. '´¯)Low rates. STELLAR reviews - 27
(Tucson, Alexia Dior)
***** S T E L l a r S p E c I a Ls * attractive fun brunette * killer body * UNtil 12pm only! - 31
(Tucson, incall only/ east)
=== ×°°× === SEXY === ×× === === ×°°× === BLONDE === ×× === [[ UP ALL NIGHT FOR BABE ]] - 19
█ ♥▄♥ █ ♥▄♥ █ --- --- S_E_X_Y ------ E_B_O_N_Y_ ------ █ ♥▄♥ █ ♥▄♥ █ 12O$ SPECIALS!! - 23
(Tucson, All Over Tucson In❤Out)
Sun 05 Jan
😽Youre TOY on fire and ready to pop deep deep inside this NEW YEAR CATEYES . - 36
(Tucson, West Valencia)
Your 1 & only kinky big booty Fire Cracker ready2please 702+601+7483 - 22
(Mohave, Mohave, Laughlin/// bullhead)
Young Mixed Beauty🍒💋Ready for Sum Fun 100% Real Pics😍Your Dream girL Here💋INCALLS - 23 - 20
(All over, Tucson)
💎💎💎 Xmas specials! Super Seductive €🌟SiMPLy AMAZiNG* 🌟)1OO% REAL!✨HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe - 25
(Tucson, oracle and orange grove orth tucson)
SeDuCtIvE____ ____ _____ HoTT & GoRgEoUs _ _____ _ T * H * A * I _ ____ __ ExPeRiNcEd _ __ _ _ - 21
█▒█ _ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ █▒█ _ P E T I T E _ █▒█ _ B L O N D E_ █▒█ _V I S I T I N G__ █▒█ - 21
LAST WEEK in town... Sensual, Sexy, Thin, Strawberry Blonde 5'3", 110 lbs - 40
(Grant/Oracle Tucson)
LETS GET IT IN AND HAVE FUN..{BLONDE} :* ☆ ¨*: Sexy & Ready :*★ - 24
(Tucson, private location(river&1st) or to you)
☀EARLY Morning SPECIALS☀!❤️🆕NeW In Town Seductive Goddess❤️Beautiful BLoNDe😘💋Naughty Playmate! - 20
(Central/South Phoenix, 🌹Phoenix 💋 Glendale 🌹)
100specials (¯`★´¯) -*_G_E_n_T_ L_e_M_e_N_s_*_ C__h__O__i__C__ e_*- (¯`★´¯) - 19
(Tucson, Tucson Incalls/Outcall)
★*¨¨* 60 Incall Special! Back By Popular Demand! *¨*★ Only Night In Town! Come Play! - 20
(Valleywide In & Outcalls)
* 120/hh special* Asian Wendy * first time in Tucson * Wechat: aa5854660383* Opening special * - 28
(Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Tucson hotel 1 on 1, Yuma)
__ __ __ __ REAL GIRL __ __ __ __ REAL FUN __ __ __ __ NO DRAMA __ __ __ __ IN& OUTCALLS __ __ - 23
(--->>Tuscon & surroundings<<, Tucson)
* ° »»»» #. 1. DoSe. Of. Me. aNd. iLL. HaVe. YoU. aDdiCtEd«««««« °* $80. SpeCiaL - 25
(Tucson, south tucson ic/oc)
*-:¦:-* »--(¯`v´¯)-» C E R T i F i E D *2* S A T i S F Y »--(¯`v´¯)-» *-:¦:- $$$100 Special$$$ - 20
🌺 Upscale and Classy 🌺 Gorgeous DreamGirl 💋 Well Reviewed and Petite - 24
(Tucson, Tucson upscale Incall)
Tucson's #1 rated provider of 2007-2009 is BACK!!! I am so delighted to be in Tucson again - 30
(Tucson, central Tucson)
*+*+* PuRe ExTacY** OpEn It!! OpeN Me!! SeXy >> FrEak>> TrY Me......... - 26
(Tucson, central tucson private residence)
StuNnIng BrUnEtTe.. *TaKe YoUr BrEaTh AwAy Soft SeXy ToUchAble ((MoDeL TyPe.)) *So SwEeT - 21
(East Valley, Tempe)
~♡~♡Specials All Night Long.. Dont Miss Me ...Leaving Soon..Specials Specials Specials~♡~♡~ - 22
(Tucson, downtown Tucson)
((SPECIALS)) **Unique&Sexy;** ++Dont Miss Out On Wonderful & Playful Jasmine ;-)++ - 21
(Tucson, Outcalls In Tucson)
❤Start Off Your Week Like All Guys Should!! TEXT ME NOW !! ❤ 💋SeXY SaSHa💋💋💋 - 30
Le gusta llamar la atencion quiere ser el centro de atencion y es ella a quien quieres tener - 21
(Tucson, Tucson South West)
Come and find out why im the best of worlds Available now call 520-273-0550 - 22
(Tucson, tucson soutwest)
► ►♚♡♚ █▬█❶▀█▀ [ X ] R@T€D BLONDE αvαiℓabℓε ➜ *LAST DAY!!* ♚♡♚【 1 CALL ΛWA¥ 】RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥ - 26
(Tucson, U of A AREA (Speedway))
**{Why settle for trashy:( when u can have classy-;)}call me avaliable 24/7 ic/oc specials* Jennifer - 25
(Tucson, Tucson,az)
xXx___ SEDUCE - Captivation - TANTALIZING - Alluring - MAGNETISM -Enchantment - TEMPTATION ___xXx___
(Available Around the Clock by Appt)
Sat 04 Jan
Wanna Play With Me😋💦💦North Scottsdale Incalls 💦💦 205-201-2426 - 20
(North Scottsdale Private Incall💕, Phoenix, Phx North)
💙 yOUR _ NAUGHTyy 💙 FANTASY __ Exotic Mixed _💙 BEAUTy __AVAiLABLE __ Now💙💙 KILLER 💙 CURVES_ - 24
(Tucson, Visiting this weekend only !💙💙💙💙)