Tue 07 Jan
🍯 ( ViSiTinG )🐝 SuPeR SeXy ( AvAiLABLe ~ NoW )👑 LeTS PLaY BoYs..👅💦 NaUgHtY H0TTiE - 23
(Tucson, St Mary and the i10)
❤ Stunning new pix ▃ ❤ Guaranteed Breathe of Fresh Air ▃❤ Latin delicacy - 22
(Tucson, watch my video oc specials)
Sugar & Spice - Let me pamper U! - 19
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, 10 minutes away)
Sexy Long Legged BEAUTIFUL MilF LOOKin 4 Your Company ~ CALL Now, for Awesome Specials~ - 40
(Tucson, Tucson area ~ Outcall or incall)
NeW💄💢❤💢 (( ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS )) 💄💢❤💢 (( Amazing body)) 💄💢❤💢 (( SEXY & SEDUCTIVE ))💄💢❤100 - 22
(Tucson, OUTCaLLS BOoK NoW)
★ ★ _ *N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ ★ ★ - 20
(Tucson, EAST SIDE - Broadway/Camino Seco)
✳️✳️✳️ New New New✳️✳️✳️ Thai "Bella" Perfect Companion for YOUR Time‼️‼️ Asian Doll will make you Smile😉😉😉 - 24
(East Valley, Phoenix, Tempe / Scottsdale)
📸NEW📸🎁Early🌲🎁Open it,Play with it and Destroy it.CAT would dry u OFF👅💦🍌💦 - 36
(Tucson, West Valencia)
☞ (( GUARANTEE IT'S ME )) ☜ ♥ L e T ♥ M E ♥ B l o W ♥ U ♥ A w a Y ♥ W/ m Y ♥ A M A Z I N G ♥ SKILLS - 21
Happy 2011, gents!! Available all day Thursday the 6th and Friday the 7th 150/hr - 29
(Nicki St Philips)
Beautiful Petite & Sweet Latin Treat Let me put you at ease after a long day of worK Leaving SooN** - 19
(Tucson, E. Tucsan-In&Outcalls; Upscale Location)
{ !Beautiful * Smile! } ... [ ~ Great * Personality ~ ] ... 100% R3AL PiC's - 20
(Inn/C=E.Tucson-150.30m Out/C spec. Only)
Available Now★SuPeR fInE •★• GoRgEoUs bLOnDE• ★BiG BooBs•★• 100 sPeCiAlS - 25
(Tucson, speedway and the I10)
Beautiful girls ready when you are. - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, All of Phoenix & surrounding areas)
BACK IN TOWN Available ALL DAY JAN 29 !!!! Your Sexy Ts Vivica 100 incall LOVE - 23
(speedway and rosemont)
✅✅ VERiFiED (( today ONLY)) (C0ME PlaY WitH ME) FL¡RTy 👠 BL0ND👱 P L a ¥ m A T - 23
(Arizona pavilion, Tucson)
Get Paid Up To $40 Per Hour As A Virtual Erotic Performer In An Online X-Rated Computer Game - 36
(Phoenix, Tucson, Online)
💋💋 SexXY SuMMeR SpeCIaLs💋💋 TeXXT NoW for TucSoNz #1 Petite PArtY GirL‼️💋💋💋💋 - 24
(northwest foothills / oro valley, Tucson)
It's only going to get hotter from here 💋 - 22
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, everywhere)
Young Mixed ⛤⛧⛤⛧⛤ Mami 100 Special Gorgeous ⛤⛧⛤⛧⛤ Body Tight Butt ⛤⛧⛤⛧⛤ BUSTY Playmate - 23
(mail me == emily1548d@gmail.com, Tucson)
((RusSIan MOdeL Here))*(( I WiLL TaKE CarE Of ALL YoUr FanTacys)) - 22
- Sexi lexi is hands on #1 ****** I love to tease and play dirty (520)848-9314 - 28
(Benson hwy, Tucson)
Mon 06 Jan
💋💋💋💋 α v α i ℓ a b ℓ ε 💋💋💋💋 ➜ ➋➍/➆ 💋💋B I G * B O O T Y * B R U N E T T E 💋💋💋💋💋 - 21
(Outcall Only, Tucson)
💞Sensual💞Erotic 💞Enticing 🙇Body rub NAKED and HOT! - 24
(Flagstaff, Phoenix, Phx North, Tucson, Yuma)
▐ Real Picts ▐ Real Girl ▐ 100% Real B©©BS ▐ Real 5 ☆ Service ! - 24
(Tucson, █★ East Incall or Outcall)
✪ LaSt ChAnCE 2 See a Sexy BLonDiE unTiL MonDaY So HuRRy 4 Ur sTrEss ReLief✪ - 25
(Tucson, I - 10 - INCALL/OUTCALL)
Last w33k in town so stop by and ch3ck this Jamaican/Black H0ttie out - 21
(Tucson, East Tucson- Incall)
~~@@@110 Roses Special!!! Two Lovely Experienced Ladies!! Red Hair And HoT! 110 Roses!!~~@@@ - 34
(Incalls and Outcalls)
▃★▃★▃ 1st ★ C L A S S ▃★▃★▃ ( Smart & Sexy ) ▃★▃★▃ PETITE & BUSTY▃★▃★▃ ( 4 REAL ♥ girl ) ▃★▃★▃ - 24
Illdo things your wife wont(se habla espanol) .. I am the UPGRADE 520-306-2984 - 28
(Tucson, tucson and everywhere)
☆♧☆ §€XY, §€DUC†¡V€ ☆♧☆ D€L¡C¡OUS ☆♧☆ CH€CK oUT M¥ LiMitL€sS SKiLLs! ☆♧☆ $60+ Specials!!! - 23
(Tucson, i10& St. Marys)