Mon 27 Jan
❌❌❌🆕SPECIALS:💦Incredibly Sexy Latina with voluptuous curves and a big butt! - 28
(Grant and Fairview, Tucson, Tucson)
So Many Choices... BUT NONE LIKE ME! 💋💕➔➔ HOT! HOTTER! ➔ 💋💕H0TTEST! H0TTIE! ➔➔ 💋💕 - 20
(Tucson, Tucson Outcall Only)
💋💦❤ So. CaL. BeAuTy 💋💦❤ HOT •——•❤•——• BRUNETTE BoMbSheLL ❥•ೋ ; ❥ - 25
(Tucson, off Cortaro and 10 fwy)
Slim, Sexy, & Ready !! For You Baby! - 19
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, anywhere you want me!)
♡Sexy♡ Sweet♡ pettiet♡ BoMbShELl♡ specials ♡☆PrIvAte Dances♡☆ - 21
(East Tucson surrounding areas, Tucson)
Summertime = Fun Time! Beautiful Blue-eyed, Sweet College Girl available ALL Summer long! - 24
(Tucson, Anywhere in Tucson)
💋SeXY SASHA💋!!Text ME noW!! 💋 I wiLL PUT a 😃SmiLe😃 oN YOuR FaCE!!💋 - 30
(Tucson, Central/ incalls and outcalls)
💜🌹🍭SPecIaLs⇶║ LET MY N:A:U:G:H:T:Y ║║ iMAGiNATiON ║ ║ TAKE Y:O:U OVER ║ _____ ⇶║ THE EDGE ║ ExOtiC - 22
(Tucson, OutCalls Call Now)
+ $ + $ + $ + Specials + $ + $ + $ + Specials + $ +$ + $ + Specials + $ + $ + $ + - 22
(Tucson ((IN/OUT)))
Soo F-ing HOT! 🔥 Model type Companion~ SAVAJ'~ Visting Jan 10-14th! 🔥 HABLO ESPÃNOL ;) - 26
(Tucson, downtown off i10 incall/outcall all Tucs)
•:.•★ ▄▄★•:.•SeXy •:.•★ ▄▄★•:.•Latina •:.•★ ▄▄★•:.• Si Habla Espanol •:.•★ ▄▄★•:.• - 19
(Tucson, East Tucson - in & out)
((SpEcIaLs)) ((SpEcIaLs)) *¨¨*-:¦:- SeXi *¨¨* -:¦:- *SwEeT-:¦:* CaLL 520-342.... - 30
(Tucson,AZ Outcall)
~~*~~ SEXY PETITE PIXIE -:¦:- Luxurious Rubs ~~*~~*~~*~~ I'LL ROCK YOUR WORLD~~*~~*~~*~ - 21
(Tucson, EAST SIDE - Broadway/Harrison)
°Sexy Latina° °**5** Star Companionship° °Dont Miss Out° ° 517 932 8699 ° - 19
(Tucson, south tucson off I-10 & palo verde)
Strawberry Blonde~Sexy long legs~Beautiful face& toned body~Super sweet& Lots of FUN! 100 Specials - 24
specials all night give me a call !!! - 19
(Flagstaff, Mohave, Phoenix, Prescott, Show Low, Sierra Vista, Tucson, Yuma, In the city)
*Special $60 15 min* Come to me and I will cater to your every want and need :) - 28
(Grant and Fairview, Tucson)
special** E-X-O-T-I-C m*i*x*e*d B-E-A-U-T-Y (( ii L_O_V_E to play )) *^& leavin tomorrow*&8 - 22
Sexy petite exotic goddess are you ready to be treated like a king! Ask about great specials - 21
(Tucson, Central)
Sexy, Mature, Thick and Submissive! Great Legs and Tits!! NEW PICS!! - 43
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon)
SPECIAL! I LOVE to KISS! Sexy, SUBMISSIVE, Mature and Curvy With Great Legs!!! - 44
(Tucson, 29th and Alvernon or Outcall)
((( • SeXy SwEet• 🌟💋• BiG BooTy KNOCKOUT •🌟💋• a Must Have • ))) - 29
(Out calls valley wide, Phoenix, Phx North)
Sexy kinky ANNABELLA $$100$$ call NOW I'M NO disappointment OUTCALL ONLY - 21
(Tucson, Outcall only to your location)
☆ミ★☆◇◇ SExY Pheen ! come see me! ◇ ◇◇◇ ☆ミ★☆ you wont regret it! I PROMISE - 18
(Tucson, TanQue verde and Grant InCall ONly)
▀ █ █ ▀█ Sexy ❤❤❤ Latina █▀ █ █ ▀█ Real ❤❤❤ Pics █▀ █ █ ▀█ Si Habla ❤❤❤ Espanol █▀ █ █ ▀█ - 19
(Tucson, Tucson Off I-10)